Archive | December, 2010

Suck It…The Christmas Gift From My Mother-In-Law

30 Dec

So my mother-in-law got me a truly delightful gift, as the mother of three PIGS, I mean sons…She got me this Hoover Linx  rechargeable vacuum and I gotta tell you this thing does a great job SUCKING IT UP!  And now my OCD thing with vacuuming more than once a day is so much easier as this thing is light and easy to use!  One of the best things out of this is that I can put my big canister vacuum away for the most part.  I am constantly frustrated as I get partly done and don’t even get the damn thing put away before I feel the OCD need to start all over!  Thank God for those little thoughtful gifts that happen every so often!!!  Thanks Grandma Sharon…there is a shimmer of very dim LCD light at the end of my tunnel.

Giving Back Self Esteem

30 Dec


I am setting up some drop off points for items…So stay tuned for that.   But I can pick up items as well and give a tax receipt so that items can be itemized and valued at your discretion.  It may seem crazy but I really do believe that this project can give young ladies self-esteem and self worth…some by getting a special item and some by giving items to the project.  There are many…more than you think…you cannot afford THAT pair of jeans or THAT shirt just in hopes of trying to fit in and feel important.  With everyone’s help we can give THAT to others!  You can email me with questions or more information.


30 Dec

I would like to encourage everyone to give yoga a try.  I am certainly not a guru but I do love how I feel when I do yoga!  Yoga reduces stress and gives you a calm.  Of course it is also great for your body…stretching, breathing, and strength training.  I promise you will use muscles that you never knew you had, and your husband will thank us, as you will be limber like a pretzel sister!  

If you are uncomfortable to go to a class try some DVDs at home for a while until you get the hang of it, but trust me going to a class is the best way, and there are always new people.  Everyone does yoga at different levels, so don’t be shy just do it!  It also helps with my favorite thing too DETOX!    Namaste chicas!

Vivian’s Closet

28 Dec

Vivian’s Closet is a special project that I am embarking on in this upcoming year.  It is all about making young ladies feel special, worthy, and good about themselves.  We will be collecting donations of good, quality, name brand clothing, shoes, and accessories and giving them to those in need.  Times are hard and many people are struggling and just cannot afford that new pair of jeans from THAT certain store and I would like to be able to provide the chance to “spread the wealth” and make someone feel special.  Your donations are tax-deductible!   As this grows, I hope to eventually get a store front where girls can come shop for an item for free and make their experience something very special.  You can contact me for donation information   I want to thank everyone in advance for their support!  This is a project that I have been developing for quite some time and that I feel is something very worth while!


28 Dec

Seriously?   Are you kidding me right now?   Yes, I birthed my children (with an epidural)…Yes, I clean my house…and I even do our laundry (white socks are SATAN)…  But, then you all know that because I am a normal mother of 3, not a reality housewife.   You know that I do not qualify for that show when I have indeed taken my boys to school in my pajamas, and I do not own any shoes that cost more than $100!  And by the way I have used Seriously?  way longer than the cast of Grey’s!  


28 Dec

This blog is for the majority of us who live, laugh, and love our families but occasionally invision them duct taped together while we enjoy a VERY large glass of wine as well as for those of us who have hidden creative talents of all sorts…Stay tuned, read often, and hopefully smile every time you check back!

Hello world!

28 Dec

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!